Search For conclude In Quotes 23

Failing to find in women exactly the same kind of sexual emotions as they find in themselves men have concluded that there are none there at all.

In other words if a teacher only teaches in one way then they conclude that the kids who can't learn well that way don't have the ability when in fact it may be that the way the teacher's teaching is not a particularly good match to the way those kids learn.

To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.

When a peace agreement is concluded between the Lebanese government and Israel we would surely disagree with the Lebanese government about that but we would not make any turmoil out of it.

But if republicans are to prevail if the peace process is to be successfully concluded and Irish sovereignty and re-unification secured then we have to set the agenda - no-one else is going to do that.

That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle.

I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers I needed to run for the office of the president and put forth an agenda of social justice and world peace. In addition I concluded that someone needed to run and challenge the liberal orthodoxy.

That is the returning to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet leaves behind in the soul a divine home sickness which never again ceases.

With copious evidence ranging from Plato's haughtiness to Beethoven's tirades we may conclude that the most brilliant people of history tend to be a prickly lot.

Very few conflicts in the history of the world have been satisfactorily concluded according to a published timetable because you lose all flexibility in dealing with your opponents.

All people desire what they believe will make them happy. If a person is not full of desire for God we can only conclude that he is engaged with another happiness.

If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of his creation it would appear that God has a special fondness for stars and beetles.

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.

It has long been known for sure that the sight of tasty food makes a hungry man's mouth water also lack of appetite has always been regarded as an undesirable phenomenon from which one might conclude that appetite is essentially linked with the process of digestion.

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.

Many people know so little about what is beyond their short range of experience. They look within themselves - and find nothing! Therefore they conclude that there is nothing outside themselves either.

You see Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice. It makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties. It doubts our concern. It questions our commitment. Because there is no way we can look at what's happening in Africa and if we're honest conclude that it would ever be allowed to happen anywhere else.

We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place.

Thanking you once more I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by saying to you: Dream your dreams and may they come true!

In its report the Cox Committee concludes that China is using stolen U.S. design information to speed up its deployment of a new nuclear missile force.

To conclude: good journalism is one of the models of good conversation and communication in the wider social context.

It would be difficult for me not to conclude that the most perfect type of masculine beauty is Satan as portrayed by Milton.

Scholarship was one thing drudgery another. I very soon concluded that nothing would induce me to read let alone make notes on hundreds and hundreds of very very very boring books.