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When the news is good the BBC view is: 'Get the government out of the picture quickly don't allow them to say anything about it.' When the news is bad: 'Let's all dump on the government.'

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However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and powerful neighbours we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole British Empire in a war simply on her account.

These days our senses are bombarded with aggression. We are constantly confronted with global images of unending escalating war and violence.

There comes a time when deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are. At that point a gathering danger must be directly confronted. At that point we must show that beyond our resolutions is actual resolve.

The newest computer can merely compound at speed the oldest problem in the relations between human beings and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem of what to say and how to say it.

When I was confronted with official tuition the academic thing I could see no relationship whatever between that and the music I'd been writing since I was 11.

Confronted with the choice the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.

When I was in the White House I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30 000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.

In the tumult of men and events solitude was my temptation now it is my friend. What other satisfaction can be sought once you have confronted History?

Apartheid education rarely mentioned in the press or openly confronted even among once-progressive educators is alive and well and rapidly increasing now in the United States.

The great advance of personal computers was not the computing power per se but the fact that it brought it right to your face that you had control over it that were confronted with it and could steer it.

Organisations are now confronted with two sources of change: the traditional type that is initiated and managed and external changes over which no one has control.

My sisters and I were fortunate to travel through Asia and Europe at very young ages. We confronted extraordinary beauty in Athens and unspeakable poverty in India.

Take the high road. No matter how much strife and consternation frustration and anger you might be confronted with - don't go to that level.

Traditionally Medicare's assurance has been that for the elderly and persons with disabilities that they will not be alone when confronted with the full burden of their health care costs.