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I'm noticing a new approach to art making in recent museum and gallery shows. It flickered into focus at the New Museum's 'Younger Than Jesus' last year and ran through the Whitney Biennial and I'm seeing it blossom and bear fruit at 'Greater New York ' MoMA P.S. 1's twice-a-decade extravaganza of emerging local talent.

Search For cried In Quotes 19

For my first wedding I cried all the way down the aisle. My fake eyelash came off. My nose was red. My eyes were swollen. I'm not one of those pretty criers.

Christmas carols always brought tears to my eyes. I also cry at weddings. I should have cried at a couple of my own.

I'm being treated like a sex object cried the lady. No matter. I will take care of it said Time soothingly.

I was always depressed growing up. There wasn't a reason for it I just was. I was sad and morose. I cried a lot I wrote a lot and I read a lot and that was how I dealt with it.

It was sad when Sid Vicious died... I was freaked out when Phil Lynott died from Thin Lizzy. I cried. It was too crazy.

My solo album is dead and buried. We had the funeral. It was sad and I cried a lot but it made such a beautiful corpse that we had an open casket.

I've cried and you'd think I'd be better for it but the sadness just sleeps and it stays in my spine the rest of my life.

When I was 12 I cried to my mom because I never got my letter to Hogwarts.

I shoplifted. I was about five years old and I took a candy from a store. We paid for three of them but I took four and I went home and cried. My mom took me back and I paid for the missing piece.

True love doesn't happen right away it's an ever-growing process. It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs when you've suffered together cried together laughed together.

I had to learn to dance for 'The Adjustment Bureau' and it was nearly impossible. I turned up with my knees knocking in my leotard and went home and cried my eyes out.

All of a sudden to get all of this attention and to be away from home and working all the time was hard. I was on planes all the time. I didn't see my friends. I cried a lot. It was quite terrifying.

I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged.

When I first found out that I was an Idol finalist I cried tears of happiness. I was just so happy and my family was there and the fact that got to see that moment and share that moment with me was just everything to me.

When liberals finally grasped the strength of popular feeling about the family they cried to appropriate the rhetoric and symbolism of family values for their own purposes.

When I found out I got this job I cried of course - I'm a girly-girl - and then I called my dad and he cried too. On so many levels this is a thrill for me.

I tried to bake a cake for my mother's birthday - it took me four hours. It was terrible and I cried for three days.

I cried when I found out I was a finalist I kind of went limp when they called my name. I felt like my spirit jumped out of my body and I was just flesh - it was just amazing.

I cried on my 18th birthday. I thought 17 was such a nice age. You're young enough to get away with things but you're old enough too.