Search For dawkins In Quotes 5

I'm an atheist but I'm very relaxed about it. I don't preach my atheism but I have a huge amount of respect for people like Richard Dawkins who do.

One of Dawkins' major gripes is against religion. I am in total agreement on that one. I abhor religion.

Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is 'The Book of British Birds ' and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology.

Few would argue that Richard Dawkins is the world's most famous atheist especially now that his friend and rival for the title Christopher Hitchens has now gone to meet his Maker.

Dawkins considers that all faith is blind faith and that Christian and Muslim children are brought up to believe unquestioningly. Not even the dim-witted clerics who knocked me about at grammar school thought that.