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I was for civil unions and believed strongly that the flow of benefits and protections that would be provided in a civil union for same-sex couples the decisions that have to be made when health hardships are faced when economic hardships are faced I wanted all of those protections. I never strayed from them.

Search For decides In Quotes 16

Having had that experience... I think what modern culture wants to see is the relationship with the woman. I don't think you can tell a story on film nowadays where the woman simply is there for the man when he decides to settle down.

Whoever decides to dedicate their life to politics knows that earning money isn't the top priority.

Every man is the architect of his own life. He builds it just the way he wants it. However after he has built what he wants he sometimes decides that he doesn't like what he has built and looks for someone or something to blame instead of changing himself.

Everybody in their own imagination decides what scary is.

Imagination decides everything.

Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces hopelessness.

If someone decides to be a musician now it means because there is no hope of money at the end of it it means they really want to be a musician. And if someone is writing now there is no hope for money at the end of it.

Helplessness induces hopelessness and history attests that loss of hope and not loss of lives is what decides the issue of war.

Are we still a country that takes risks that innovates that believes anything is possible? Or are we a country that is resigned to whatever liberty the government decides to dish out?

The great act of faith is when a man decides he is not God.

Elegance is not a dispensable luxury but a factor that decides between success and failure.

In any case his judgment and set of values acting alone or through his assistants determine not only what is gold and what is dross but the design of the history which he creates out of the metal. The historian decides what is significant and what is not.

In the last analysis it is our conception of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.

I don't count on the boy who waits till October when it's cool and fun then decides he wants to play.

Bill Gates is the pope of the personal computer industry. He decides who's going to build.

Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained progress stops.