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Working at the Food Bank with my kids is an eye-opener. The face of hunger isn't the bum on the street drinking Sterno it's the working poor. They don't look any different they don't behave any differently they're not really any less educated. They are incredibly less privileged and that's it.

Search For deposits In Quotes 5

All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits committed to our trust on this condition that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.

You can make positive deposits in your own economy every day by reading and listening to powerful positive life-changing content and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people.

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.

You don't want flame to hit your food. Flame is bad. Flame does nasty things to food. It makes soot and it makes deposits of various chemicals that are not too good for us. The last thing you really want to see licking at your food while it's on a grill is an actual flame.

Negro banks as a rule have failed because the people taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere withdrew their deposits.