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Back then I didn't have a big organization around me. I was just a kid with a guitar traveling around. My responsibility basically was to the art and I had extra time on my hands. There is no extra time now. There isn't enough time.

Search For destined In Quotes 13

Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

The dissemination of advanced implantable technology will likely be just as ruthlessly democratic as the ailments it is destined to treat. Meaning that someday soon we may have a new class of very smart very fast people - yesterday's disabled and elderly.

I was meant to date the captain of the football team I was going to be on a romantic excursion every Saturday night I was destined to be collecting corsages from every boy in town before prom accepting such floral offerings like competing sacrifices to a Delphic goddess.

I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.

I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will.

Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things.

But without a caring society without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility government is destined to grow even larger taking more of your money burrowing deeper into your lives.

The ongoing conflict between us has caused heavy suffering to both peoples. The future can and must be different. Both our peoples are destined to live together side by side on this small piece of land. This reality we cannot change.

Events that are predestined require but little management. They manage themselves. They slip into place while we sleep and suddenly we are aware that the thing we fear to attempt is already accomplished.

Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.

I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined and that we can do nothing to change it look before they cross the road.

But when I was twelve years old I caught my first strong glimpse of one of the fundamental forces of existence whose votary I was destined to be for life - namely Beauty.