Search For disagrees In Quotes 6

It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you then they say you're mad then dangerous then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

I believe society has a right to defend itself just as the individual has the right to attack that with which he disagrees.

The first and most important is to emphasize the enduring nature of the alliance relationship particularly with Europe which does share our values and interests even if it disagrees with us on specific policies.

My wife disagrees with 100 percent of what I say. That's the same marriage I have.

Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple woman's punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffer the consequences when it disagrees with him.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement it's easy to understand the inspiration for its anger as well as its impatience.