Search For discovering In Quotes 22

Very few recognize science as the high adventure it really is the wildest of all explorations ever taken by human beings the chance to glimpse things never seen before the shrewdest maneuver for discovering how the world works.

Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.

Isn't it sad to go to your grave without ever wondering why you were born? Who with such a thought would not spring from bed eager to resume discovering the world and rejoicing to be part of it?

The film is about Joe discovering who his mother and father are and his relationship with them and the identity crisis he goes through once he finds out who his parents are.

You can never stop discovering music.

My first care the following morning was to devise some means of discovering the man in the grey cloak.

Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.

Doing a documentary is about discovering being open learning and following curiosity.

I'm really enjoying the process of learning to fly. How it will fit into my life down the road - I'm looking forward to discovering that.

I used to be scared of women. When I was very young they terrified me but discovering the female universe was incredible and still is to this day as you never stop learning about them.

I never read the life of any important person without discovering that he knew more and could do more than I could ever hope to know or do in half a dozen lifetimes.

Producing is so exciting because you can enable things to happen whether it's like discovering a filmmaker who you're taking a chance on protecting a battle and driving home at the end of the day just going 'I'm so glad I stayed late at work and fought hard for that. Had my passion. Won that battle.'

I think making mistakes and discovering them for yourself is of great value but to have someone else to point out your mistakes is a shortcut of the process.

A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.

Acting is a very personal process. It has to do with expressing your own personality and discovering the character you're playing through your own experience - so we're all different.

Writing a story or a novel is one way of discovering sequence in experience of stumbling upon cause and effect in the happenings of a writer's own life.

Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.

The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects and discovering other people's weaknesses.

I don't think immortality is necessarily the key to understanding the world. You have to be careful with what you think you're achieving. I'm all for science discovering amazing and fantastic things about our world but I think the motivations behind it are slightly askew.

Young people discovering their sexuality must know they walk with a strong tradition and that they are not alone. They have a right to information without being pressured.

I am rediscovering the whole sexual dimension of life at the age of 86 really. And that also means discovering the feminine. So the whole of this dimension which I had been seeking for a very long time is now sort of opening itself up to me.