Search For emphasize In Quotes 22

Whatever he does should be seen as working at the Presidency and if he goes to Colorado for Christmas it should be for a minimum amount of time the family tradition and family get-together aspect emphasized and it be seen as a working vacation.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

Nowadays it is the fashion to emphasize the horrors of the last war. I didn't find it so horrible. There are just as horrible things happening all round us today if only we had eyes to see them.

The Vietnam War required us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principles. What President Nixon and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn't make it.

I have advocated an entirely different approach than cap and tax which would be worldwide in application and which emphasizes technology as a way of reducing total emissions.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a good teacher.

I was always trying to make up for my size to compensate. So to get people to take you seriously you have to come at things with a great deal of strength. You have to emphasize that the way you are is unusual. That you don't come along every day.

We must always emphasize research and development of science and mathematics and I can think of no better way to achieve this than through our future in space.

It's such a long mission and we get to spend so much time in space... we're doing such exciting research. And I don't want to overemphasize the life science research but as a physician the life science research that we're doing is extremely exciting.

The first and most important is to emphasize the enduring nature of the alliance relationship particularly with Europe which does share our values and interests even if it disagrees with us on specific policies.

The toughest thing about the power of trust is that it's very difficult to build and very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities between you and the customer.

To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with positive numbers.

And that is why marriage and family law has emphasized the importance of marriage as the foundation of family addressing the needs of children in the most positive way.

I emphasize self-esteem self-confidence and dignity not as an ideal but as a real test of community organization. Without leadership development community organizations do not have staying power.

We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity. And we can help create a culture - imagine this - where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them.

I think we were raised in a nice Texas Jewish family where education was the most important thing and close behind that was the arts. It was emphasized and expected that we'd play piano.

That's something I learned in art school. I studied graphic design in Germany and my professor emphasized the responsibility that designers and illustrators have towards the people they create things for.

I like to think that the Internet and file sharing if utilized properly and embraced and I emphasize properly is a high-powered marketing design.

I emphasize... that the Harrimans showed great courage and loyalty and confidence in us because three or four of us were really running the business the day to day business.

We emphasize that such a form of communication is not absent in man however evanescent a naturally given object may be for him split as it is in its submission to symbols.

We emphasize that we believe in change because we were born of it we have lived by it we prospered and grew great by it. So the status quo has never been our god and we ask no one else to bow down before it.

It's good that the first half of the speech emphasized freedom because George W. Bush has been the global champion for freedom. As he said if we don't fight tyranny it will not leave us alone in peace.