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Unfortunately little attention was paid to how Arafat ruled. In fact some saw the harsh and repressive nature of Arafat's regime as actually bolstering the prospects for peace.

Search For endures In Quotes 10

Who's to say that there is any more support for Freud's psychoanalytic concept of the superego than there is for that old time religion that asserted that there is a God who ordains what is right and wrong and that His righteousness endures for all generations?

I assess the power of a will by how much resistance pain torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage.

In our nature however there is a provision alike marvelous and merciful that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it.

A father may turn his back on his child brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies husbands may desert their wives wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all.

Just as the soul fills the body so God fills the world. Just as the soul bears the body so God endures the world. Just as the soul sees but is not seen so God sees but is not seen. Just as the soul feeds the body so God gives food to the world.

The work goes on the cause endures the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.

So the brother in black offers to these United States the source of courage that endures and laughter.

I'm not going chic I swear. The geek endures. But I mean a snazzy cool suit looks good.

Nothing endures but change.

The flesh endures the storms of the present alone the mind those of the past and future as well as the present. Gluttony is a lust of the mind.