Search For energy In Quotes 289

Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices let's use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems.

This - the leadership of the mayor is crucial because it is to the mayor that people will look to provide the vision the energy and the sense of confidence in the rebuilding and the recovery.

Republican leadership in Congress let the energy companies write the energy bill that sent prices soaring and has turned a blind eye to the struggles of working families trying to make ends meet.

The war and terrorism in the Middle East the crisis of leadership in many of the oil-supply countries in the developing world the crisis of global warming - all these are very clearly tied to energy.

Boone Pickens should be commended for his leadership on American energy security and for bringing Ted Turner along on some sensible approaches to enhancing it.

We should see the leadership from the White House setting dates certain for certain goals of achieving greater alliance on alternative and renewable energy sources but we are not.

Where there is an absence of international political leadership civil society should step in to fill the gap providing the energy and vision needed to move the world in a new and better direction.

I want American Dream growth - lots of new businesses well-paying jobs and American leadership in new industries like clean energy and biotechnology.

The one thing that the President can do is to establish a real energy independence plan. We have all the recources we need right here in this country to establish energy independence if we had the leadership.

In the present state of our knowledge it would be useless to attempt to speculate on the remote cause of the electrical energy... its relation to chemical affinity is however sufficiently evident. May it not be identical with it and an essential property of matter?

If I have enough ego to say I'm a writer a director a producer and an actor I should have the energy and the knowledge to write a scene for this great actor named Henry Fonda and direct him in it and have it work.

To my knowledge the Department of Homeland Security has focused on detection devices that are large expensive use a large amount of energy and cannot easily be placed in or on a shipping container.

Since ancient times people from throughout Asia have brought to Japan their talents knowledge and energy helping to lay the basis for Japan's existence as a country.

There is no one who possesses intelligence and uses reflection who does not understand that it is one Being who both created all things and governs them with the same energy by which He created them.

The Intelligence Committee will also examine present counterintelligence programs for the Department of Energy the National Laboratories and the Department of Defense.

Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.

I arise full of eagerness and energy knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me.

Novelists are not equipped to make a movie in my opinion. They make their own movie when they write: they're casting they're dressing the scene they're working out where the energy of the scene is coming from and they're also relying tremendously on the creative imagination of the reader.

You will recognize your own path when you come upon it because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.

All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination Imagination is the workshop of your mind capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.

If you've never felt that you quite got a hold of it you just feel that before you die you've got to try and get it right once. And hope that the experience you have makes up for the some of the diminishing energy.

I would not run for president. I really like what I'm doing now. People say I'm giving them energy and hope.

If you're lucky enough to be involved in a film that's about something very real and that you hope will continue to hold up in 20 years' time it just gives you more energy and makes it feel all the more worthwhile.

I hope that none of the countries in the Middle East are planning anything but the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.