Search For enjoys In Quotes 15

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.

He enjoys much who is thankful for little.

Success is following the pattern of life one enjoys most.

Science fiction readers probably have the gene for novelty and seem to enjoy a cascade of invention as much as a writer enjoys providing one.

I will say that I think Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in the United States. It's really above and beyond American politics.

But since independence Gabon is one of the few countries in Central Africa that enjoys peace and stability.

I'm not the type of guy who enjoys one-night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical. It's not even fun sexually. I need to feel something for the woman and entertain the vain hope that it may lead to a relationship.

The average husband enjoys the total effect of his home but is usually unable to contribute any of the details of work and organisation that make it enjoyable.

America enjoys the best health care in the world but the best is no good if folks can't afford it access it and doctor's can't provide it.

It may be laid down as a primary position and the basis of our system that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government owes not only a proportion of his property but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

Obviously my life and my job in 2010 is very different from Peggy's experience in the 1960s. I exist in a world that enjoys more equality between men and women. But I don't take any of that into my performance. I just want to play the character as who she is as an individual - scene to scene.

I liked the way my character Shane was first introduced. You get introduced to her through this sexual action and I thought that was so cool and just kind of summed up what she enjoys and who she is to a certain extent. She's a complete sexual being and the great thing is that she doesn't apologize for it. It's just who she is. We rarely see women be able to do that on television.

I've never chased fame. I came into this business to be a theatre actress. I was nine when I first appeared on stage. But I can't say I would turn my back on fortune. I'm someone who enjoys the benefits of money.

Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.

Chicago is known for good steaks expensive stores and beautiful architecture. Unfortunately the Windy City also enjoys a reputation for corrupt politics violent crime and some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere in the country.