Search For explosive In Quotes 12

There is a peculiar burning odor in the room like explosives. the kitchen fills with smoke and the hot sweet ashy smell of scorched cookies. The war has begun.

I really enjoyed hanging out with some of the teachers. This one chemistry teacher she liked hanging out. I liked making explosives. We would stay after school and blow things up.

Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need.

I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from everyone loves music.

For 50 years nuclear power stations have produced three products which only a lunatic could want: bomb-explosive plutonium lethal radioactive waste and electricity so dear it has to be heavily subsidised. They leave to future generations the task and most of the cost of making safe sites that have been polluted half-way to eternity.

I think it's funny to be delicate with subjects that are explosive.

Fear is a very explosive emotion but it has a short life span. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope.

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.

Yet in this global economy no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination.

From year to year environmental changes are incremental and often barely register in our lives but from evolutionary or geological perspectives what is happening is explosive change.

The main prank that we play with props is for people's birthdays. The special effects people will put a little explosive in the cake so it blows up in their face - that's always fun to play on a guest star or one of the trainees or someone who's new.

The anger that Uncle Junior has comes from my background. My father was the son of an Italian immigrant and I've seen the fire of the Italian temperament. It can be explosive sometimes in ways that are both funny and tragic.