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Japan is the most intoxicating place for me. In Kyoto there's an inn called the Tawaraya which is quite extraordinary. The Japanese culture fascinates me: the food the dress the manners and the traditions. It's the travel experience that has moved me the most.

Search For filed In Quotes 5

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

The genre has moved into this commercial aspect of itself and ignored this extraordinarily rich literature that's filed everywhere else except under travel.

For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get themselves filed.

When I was working and when I was making substantial amounts of money I always filed and paid my taxes. This only stopped when it was necessary to withdraw from society in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family.

In the first 50 years of the filibuster it was used only 35 times. But the last Congress alone had 112 cloture motions filed plus threats of more. This is the tyranny of the minority.