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We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English.

Every Christmas now for years I have found myself wondering about the point of the celebration. As the holiday has become more ecumenical and secular it has lost much of the magic that I remember so fondly from childhood.

I'm a disorganized mess. My purse is gross: I once found a shoulder pad string cheese and a Christmas ornament in it!

An idea isn't worth much until a man is found who has the energy and ability to make it work.

The contemporary form of true greatness lies in a civilization founded on the spirituality of work.

The work on ants has profoundly affected the way I think about humans.

If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you you have not found your place.

Individuality is founded in feeling and the recesses of feeling the darker blinder strata of character are the only places in the world in which we catch real fact in the making and directly perceive how events happen and how work is actually done.

My work is the only ground I've ever had to stand on. To put it bluntly I seem to have a whole superstructure with no foundation but I'm working on the foundation.

My work is the only ground I've ever had to stand on. I seem to have a whole superstructure with no foundation but I'm working on the foundation.

If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

I have not failed. I've just found 10 000 ways that won't work.

Very learned women are to be found in the same manner as female warriors but they are seldom or ever inventors.

The constitutions of Maryland and New York are founded in higher wisdom.

In justice to human society it may perhaps be said of almost all the polities and civil institutions in the world however imperfect that they have been founded in and carried on with very considerable wisdom.

If we can return to a government that the Founders in their wisdom envisioned for us we can return to a government that will allow our economy to thrive again and our people to live in liberty.

Analysts may be correct that the presidential election won't primarily turn on entitlements reform but by choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate Mitt Romney can contrary to conventional wisdom make it a winning issue and lay the foundation for a reform mandate when he wins.

This is perhaps the most profound meaning of the book of Job the best example of wisdom.

The most excellent and divine counsel the best and most profitable advertisement of all others but the least practiced is to study and learn how to know ourselves. This is the foundation of wisdom and the highway to whatever is good.

Now our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity were fleeing and that this country's principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and the emotions of the times.

No one ever found wisdom without also being a fool. Writers alas have to be fools in public while the rest of the human race can cover its tracks.

I believe we have become paralyzed paralyzed by our desire to be loved. Now our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity were fleeing and that this country's principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and the emotions of the times.

If we have built on the fragile cornerstones of human wisdom pride and conditional love things may look good for a while but a weak foundation causes collapse when storms hit.

The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove one's self a fool the truest heroism is to resist the doubt and the profoundest wisdom to know when it ought to be resisted and when it be obeyed.