Search For fries In Quotes 8

I like to talk about my obsession with french fries because I don't want people to think that 'Let's Move' is about complete utter deprivation. It's about moderation and real-life changes and ideas that really work for families.

There's a science to ordering potatoes. Are they skinny shoestring or big fat steak fries? You just have to let your taste buds guide you when deciding what to eat.

I was ecstatic they re-named 'French Fries' as 'Freedom Fries'. Grown men and women in positions of power in the U.S. government showing themselves as idiots.

I love chicken fingers I love French fries. I love desserts. I'm not just into dessert or just into savoury food. I love it all. I'm a pig. I love food. So it takes a lot of discipline to eat healthy.

Everyone prefers some foods over others but some adults take this tendency to an extreme. These people tend to prefer the kinds of bland food they may have enjoyed as children - such as plain or buttered pasta macaroni and cheese cheese pizza French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches - and to restrict their eating to just a few dishes.

In New York I pretty much live in diners - I order French Fries Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.

I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar.