Search For germans In Quotes 7

With millions of family wage manufacturing jobs lost since 2001 we need an energy bill that takes bold action to tap into American ingenuity in order to lead the world in new clean energy technology rather than playing catch-up to the Japanese Danish and Germans.

The East Germans first used biomechanics. This meant that rather than guessing about technique and form they could apply changes to athletic performance based on science.

Let us show our fellow countrymen and the entire world what the Germans can do when they work for peace.

Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end the Germans always win.

The Germans certainly - the intelligence service believed that there were WMD. It turns out that we were all wrong probably in my judgment and that is most disturbing.

I know what Germans are. They are a funny people. They are always choosing someone to lead them in a direction which they do not want to go.

It's quite a famous story that takes place on Christmas Eve and the Germans French and Scottish are trying to make peace one night and they bury their dead and they play football. I play a German opera singer in German which I never have so I am really excited about that.