Search For grammar In Quotes 15

I remember a moment when the Prince went back to his old school Grammar School in Melbourne and slightly to his horror his old music teacher produced a cello.

Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant Beowulf or St. George slaying the Dragon Harry Potter triumphing over the basilisk. That is their inner grammar and the whole shape of the story leads towards it.

Grammar is a piano I play by ear. All I know about grammar is its power.

Let schoolmasters puzzle their brain With grammar and nonsense and learning Good liquor I stoutly maintain Gives genius a better discerning.

It's really difficult for me. Language I am sorry that I haven't. I think I just always expected that you learn a word in place of a word and when I discovered how difficult the grammar was and learning that was very discouraging for me.

It's like learning a language you can't speak a language fluently until you find out who you are in that language and that has as much to do with your body as it does with vocabulary and grammar.

When a thought takes one's breath away a grammar lesson seems an impertinence.

I was a loner as a child and happiest at home launching toy rockets and aeroplanes. When I started causing trouble in my third year at grammar school Mum was really surprised. My parents sent me to a child psychologist who suggested I might have Asperger's syndrome.

Ladies if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar good punctuation capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize it's done.

Ever since grammar school I knew I wanted to be famous - I always wanted to be a singer.

Dawkins considers that all faith is blind faith and that Christian and Muslim children are brought up to believe unquestioningly. Not even the dim-witted clerics who knocked me about at grammar school thought that.

Writing is an act of faith not a trick of grammar.

My father was an autodidact. It wasn't a middle-class house. Shopkeepers are aspirant. He paid for me to go to private school. He was denied an education - he had a horrible childhood. He got a place at a grammar school and wasn't allowed to go.

There were all us baby boomers who had a grammar school education started to learn then went on the pill the whole thing and so there are today a lot more women writers editors producers and so a lot more women's stories. God the BBC's practically run by women.

My dad was the manager at the 45 000-acre ranch but he owned his own 1 200-acre ranch and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.