Search For guarding In Quotes 5

The strength that I have comes from irrigating the citrus plantation ploughing in the vineyard guarding the melon fields at night. I believe that's what gave me the strength.

The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?

I want to assure your excellency that I am occupying myself permanently and jointly with my team to achieve a solution as soon as possible to this crisis the principal objective being the safeguarding of the health and life of those who are inside.

Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation plan carefully before making a move and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance.

The Imperial German Government will not expect the Government of the United States to omit any word or any act necessary to the performance of its sacred duty of maintaining the rights of the United States and its citizens and of safeguarding their free exercise and enjoyment.