Search For helicopter In Quotes 6

War contributes greatly to global warming which shouldn't surprise us. All those bombs going off all those rockets all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet.

The helicopter is a fine way to travel but it induces a view of the world that only God and CEOs share on a regular basis.

We don't do things we aren't good at by nature. I wouldn't play basketball because I'm only 5' 1". Find what you enjoy - whether it's racing, flying a helicopter, being a doctor, or stitching clothes together. Once you've done that, you have the passion you need.

I had a flight trainer who is one of the biggest and most famous helicopter pilots the world.

So then I started doing a lot of episodic TV just car chases or helicopter chases or whatever.

I really liked the helicopter pilot in 'Dawn of the Dead' when he gets bitten and comes out of the elevator. That guy was amazing. He did this incredible walk that we didn't even know about until we started shooting.