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Particularly for English people Shakespeare is always at the forefront of both drama and the English language. He's always been there. I can't remember starting school and not learning about him.

Search For hurry In Quotes 22

There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.

We occasionally stumble over the truth but most of us pick ourselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.

Hurry conscious younger people! Get to power quickly so political decisions can be based on the greater good for all rather than the greater gain for few. Hurry before it is too late!

Never be in a hurry do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever even if your whole world seems upset.

Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.

I love to read. I love to stretch. In the morning I get up and if I'm not in a hurry I will lie on the floor on a rug look through some books and magazines and maybe listen to music and try to do stretching exercises to tune up.

People close to me called me 'Curry in a Hurry.' I was moving through life at 100 miles an hour trying to further my career and be a great mom and make everyone happy.

Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.

You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit. It's one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love so much less costly in emotional wear and tear.

Leadership is an active role 'lead' is a verb. But the leader who tries to do it all is headed for burnout and in a powerful hurry.

Beware of endeavoring to become a great man in a hurry. One such attempt in ten thousand may succeed. These are fearful odds.

In the end nature is inexorable: it has no reason to hurry and sooner or later it takes what belongs to it. Unconsciously and inflexibly obedient to its own laws it doesn't know art just as it doesn't know freedom just as it doesn't know goodness.

Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.

I don't worry about being in a hurry any more because my faith in God will always deliver me on time.

I know I'm drinking myself to a slow death but then I'm in no hurry.

The day of my birth my death began its walk. It is walking toward me without hurrying.

I'm not afraid of death but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first.

Since the day of my birth my death began its walk. It is walking toward me without hurrying.

When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world and droop. Sick of its business of its pleasures tired how gracious how benign is solitude.

If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye she's wearing your best sweater.

What's a man's age? He must hurry more that's all Cram in a day what his youth took a year to hold.