Search For interactive In Quotes 6

An experienced reader uses the poem as an agent of inquiry. This makes poetry very exciting unstable and interactive.

I've always been homeschooled so doing it on set is kind of the same thing. My mom makes it very interactive - we'll get a book on chocolate and learn how to make it or she will buy antique items. I love military history the mechanics and strategy of it.

Games have grown and developed from this limited in-the-box experience to something that's everywhere now. Interactive content is all around us networked ready. This is something I've been hoping for throughout my career.

I don't think as a creator that I could create an experience that truly feels interactive if you don't have something to hold in your hand if you don't have something like force feedback that you can feel from the controller.

Interactive computers and software will I think provide a less costly method of doing some kinds of inquiry in knowledge acquisition and even reasoning and interaction.

The thing that I've always been slightly frustrated with was that the idea of a CD is kind of confined to a material possession that you can put on a shelf. And the idea of music for me is always about both the communication and the sharing of content. And so the interactive part is missing.