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We are free but not to be evil not to be indifferent to human suffering not to profit from the people from the work created and sustained through their spirit of political association while refusing to contribute to the political state that we profit from.

Search For lounge In Quotes 4

Well I actually first got into music as a small child and as I became a teen I sought out making money from music weather that was singing lounge gigs backup in studios or weddings.

I've done a number of readings at poetry lounges in Vancouver and Los Angeles. I've compiled a book of poetry that's completed and two others I'm working on.

I'm coming out with a wine... I'm actually a restaurateur. I have Famous Famiglia Pizzeria that has opened up in the Sacramento airport. I'm also working with my business partner on opening up the Linnethia Lounge.

I got a phone call from Fearne Cotton. It was amazing! I literally couldn't believe it. It was so cool. It was the night before I was going on her show to sing on the 'Live Lounge.' She was so lovely.