Search For machinery In Quotes 18

I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of 'work ' because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.

It's not the work which kills people it's the worry. It's not the revolution that destroys machinery it's the friction.

And the buying of new machinery meant not only the possibility of production but even the new technology 'cos as I mentioned before we were back of seven eight years.

Industrialization based on machinery already referred to as a characteristic of our age is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.

Prayer is commission. Out of the quietness with God power is generated that turns the spiritual machinery of the world. When you pray you begin to feel the sense of being sent that the divine compulsion is upon you.

Each one of these treaties is a step for the maintenance of peace an additional guarantee against war. It is through such machinery that the disputes between nations will be settled and war prevented.

Ah the power of two. There's nothing quite like it. Especially when it comes to paying utility bills parenting cooking elaborate meals purchasing a grown-up bed jumping rope and lifting heavy machinery. The world favours pairs. Who wants to waste the wood building an ark for singletons?

Against the State against the Church against the silence of the medical profession against the whole machinery of dead institutions of the past the woman of today arises.

Feature-length film comedy is harder to pull off than the episodic sitcom - it doesn't have the same factory machinery up and running teams of writers putting familiar characters through permutations - but that doesn't explain the widening quality gap that makes movie humor look like a genetic defective.

God isn't compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness. You must make your choice. Our civilization has chosen machinery and medicine and happiness.

It is true you cannot eat freedom and you cannot power machinery with democracy. But then neither can political prisoners turn on the light in the cells of a dictatorship.

As far away as you can get from the process of mechanisms and machinery the more likely your food's going to taste good. And that - that is probably the largest thing I can hand to anybody is let your hands touch it. Let them make it.

I have deep respect for people's individual faith but when faith gets connected to the machinery of state or the machinery of hate I find it very confronting.

Education then beyond all other devices of human origin is the great equalizer of the conditions of men the balance-wheel of the social machinery.

I've already established my (political)machinery. It's like a car. It's fixed already. You just have to get in and drive it.

I've got Asperger's syndrome and I'm not a very good people person so I've always been more comfortable around machinery. Not in a weird way - I don't want to marry my car or anything stupid like that!

I think there are a lot of technocrats in the business who would much rather work with just wheels and gears and machinery. Those things interest them more than humanity and I wish them the best of luck.

What you have now is a Hollywood that is pure poison. Hollywood was a central place in the history of art in the 20th century: it was human idealism preserved. And then like any great place it collapsed and it collapsed into the most awful machinery in the world.