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Whatever you may think of the proposed mosque and community center lost in the heat of the debate has been a basic question: Should government attempt to deny private citizens the right to build a house of worship on private property based on their particular religion?

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Christmas makes me happy no matter what time of year it comes around.

At Christmas 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the same places every time even though I know it's coming.

It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves you know to put other people down or make fun of them or maybe make mockery of their work and that doesn't make me feel good at all.

Everyone has a story that makes me stronger. I know that the work I do is important and I enjoy it but it is nice to hear the feedback of what we do to inspire others.

Having a second chance makes you want to work even harder.

It ain't easy to break out of a mold but if you do your work people will ultimately see what you're capable of. Too often people find it easier to make assumptions and stick with what they believe. They put you in a place and it makes their job easier. The good people constantly search for something different.

Every reader finds himself. The writer's work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what without this book he would perhaps never have seen in himself.

My share of the work may be limited but the fact that it is work makes it precious.

Managers in all too many American companies do not achieve the desired results because nobody makes them do it.

God gave me some weird beautiful scent that makes men and women go crazy. People compare it to Carvel. It is a whale of a smell.

As women we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy.

Papa always makes it clear that he would like to know me as much more rational and lucid than the girls and women he gets to know during his analytic hours.

The common erotic project of destroying women makes it possible for men to unite into a brotherhood this project is the only firm and trustworthy groundwork for cooperation among males and all male bonding is based on it.

As with most liberal sexual ideas what makes the world a better place for men invariably makes it a duller and more dangerous place for women.

And what I saw happening is that women don't make one decision to leave the workforce. They makes lots of little decisions really far in advance that kind of inevitably lead them there.

I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy mostly black women.

In Hollywood the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.

Men aren't the way they are because they want to drive women crazy they've been trained to be that way for thousands of years. And that training makes it very difficult for men to be intimate.

Nature makes woman to be won and men to win.

Books give not wisdom where none was before. But where some is there reading makes it more.

Unhappy is that Grandeur which makes us too great to be good and that Wit which sets us at a distance from true Wisdom.

The Relation we bear to the Wisdom of the Father the Son of His Love gives us indeed a dignity which otherwise we have no pretence to. It makes us something something considerable even in God's Eyes.

Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.