Search For malicious In Quotes 9

But I am convinced that those Jews who stand aside today with a malicious smile and with their hands in their trousers' pockets will also want to dwell in our beautiful home.

Appreciate the power of rumor often malicious no matter how preposterous within the local populations you are seeking to help.

Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

As soon as you concern yourself with the 'good' and 'bad' of your fellows you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing competing with and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.

When the courts decide that murderers rapists and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can't afford they are condemning good people to death.

I kinda see everyone as competition. I'm a very competitive person. But I think that's good. Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing then I think it's cool.

Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing then I think it's cool.

Every ISP is being attacked maliciously both from in the United States and outside of the United States by those who want to invade people's privacy. But more importantly they want to take control of computers they want to hack them they want to steal information.

With care and skill and cunning art She parried Time's malicious dart And kept the years at bay Till passion entered in her heart and aged her in a day!