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Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another but let him work diligently and build one for himself thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.

Search For maximized In Quotes 4

More brands are waking up to their social responsibility and doing good work through cause marketing campaigns. Yet too many still go about it the wrong way. I mean 'wrong' in two senses. Firstly they are marketing ineffectively and secondly as a consequence their positive social impact is not maximized.

I think Madonna has a great deal of intelligence and capability. I have a lot of respect for her. She's taken her career and maximized it with intelligence and creativity.

Websites are kind of useless. There's so much great web content and design out there but the ways in which they are being experienced are not being maximized.

Here's what I tell anybody and this is what I believe. The greatest gift we have is the gift of life. We understand that. That comes from our Creator. We're given a body. Now you may not like it but you can maximize that body the best it can be maximized.