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We need to make sure that there's art in the school. Why? Why should art be in the school? Because if art isn't in a school then a guy like Steve Jobs doesn't get a chance to really express himself because in order for art to meet technology you need art.

Search For missionary In Quotes 6

Haven't two hundred years of failed missionary work overseas taught anybody anything? You can't convert people to anything - whether religion or something as inane as our flicks.

The key to successful missionary work is a close relationship between the missionaries and the members. Creating an environment in working with members that will bring more into the Church.

My mom she's from Ireland coached tennis in Nigeria when she was a missionary and turned me on to it when I was young.

I was sent to a nice Church of England girls' school and at that time after university a woman was expected to become a teacher a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.

I am not suggesting that all those missionary organizations working in Haiti should pack up and go home but I am urging them to understand that Haiti does not need clever Americans with newly contrived schemes for saving their country.

I strongly believe that missionaries make better products. They care more. For a missionary it's not just about the business. There has to be a business and the business has to make sense but that's not why you do it. You do it because you have something meaningful that motivates you.