Search For molest In Quotes 4

This House cannot function without an open accountable and independent ethics process and the molestation of that process by the majority is an abuse of power that cannot stand.

I don't believe in organized religion - I dealt with them hand in hand and a whole bunch of Catholic priests tried to molest me. Telling me I was gay and I should go home with them and stuff.

Realizing that the majority of kids that get molested feel that it is their fault along with shame those kids have no idea what to say or do to try to report anything and add that with the lack of education it is a complete recipe for disaster that leads to non-reporting of molestation.

I did this Super-8 film at art school called 'Tissues ' this black comedy about a family whose father has been arrested for child molestation. I was absolutely thrilled by every inch of it and would throw my projector in the back of my car and show it to anybody who would watch it.