Search For momma In Quotes 6

I was sad to see anybody leave we had a very nice family on that show. I was very sad to see momma go Victoria and especially Linda. My god that was my wife on the show in fact my wife calls her wife.

If you talk bad about country music it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.

I am proud of my kids but I also want to make my mom proud of me. I'm still a momma's girl at the heart of the situation.

I'm essentially a momma's boy with a good education.

I love my mother Ali so much. I'm a momma's boy. I just have a very cool mom. It's not as though I had any say in the matter. I'm just really fortunate. She's the most kind loving giving woman.

Comedians walk out get a feel for the crowd. If it's not going good we change directions. If we got to drag your momma into this thing we will. Whatever we got to do.