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Love feels no burden thinks nothing of trouble attempts what is above its strength pleads no excuse of impossibility for it thinks all things lawful for itself and all things possible.

Search For moral In Quotes 416

America's state religion is patriotism a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that 'treason' is morally worse than murder or rape.

Americans have less and less patience for the intrusive and divisive moral scolds who thrived in the bubbles of the Clinton and Bush years.

Don't reward bad behavior. It is one of the first rules of parenting. During the financial cataclysm of 2008 we said it differently. When we bailed out banks that had created their own misfortune we called it a 'moral hazard ' because the bailout absolved the bank's bad acts and created an incentive for it to make the same bad loans again.

Since the nature of people is bad to become corrected they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual and moral principles.

The addiction to sports therefore in a peculiar degree marks an arrested development in man's moral nature.

If we can find God only as he is revealed in nature we have no moral God.

Of moral purpose I see no trace in Nature. That is an article of exclusively human manufacture and very much to our credit.

Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales.

The moral virtues then are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature indeed prepares in us the ground for their reception but their complete formation is the product of habit.

Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral.

Ain't nobody making music to not be heard and the easiest way to be heard is to be on the radio but you should never compromise who you are your values or your morals.

Times were changing. Clothes were changing. Morals were changing. We went from romantic loves songs like I used to do to rock 'n roll. Now that has changed to rap. So there's always a new generation with new music.

I tend to think of action movies as exuberant morality plays in which good triumphs over evil.

Movies are movies and I don't think any of them are going to hurt the moral fiber of America and all that nonsense.

You come before me this morning with clean hands and clean collars. I want you to have clean tongues clean manners clean morals and clean characters.

I don't think anybody cares about unwed mothers unless they're black or poor. The question is not morality the question is money. That's what we're upset about.

If time is money it seems moral to save time above all one's own and such parsimony is excused by consideration for others. One is straight-forward.

The man whose only pleasure in life is making money weighs less on the moral scale than an angleworm.

It's morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.

If you don't have integrity you have nothing. You can't buy it. You can have all the money in the world but if you are not a moral and ethical person you really have nothing.

Money not morality is the principle commerce of civilized nations.

For everything I do I think about a 6-year-old girl and her mom that I saw at my concert last night. I think about what those two individuals would think if I were at a club last night. I never want to be arrested and I never want to get a DUI those are my moral values.

Morality and its victim the mother - what a terrible picture! Is there indeed anything more terrible more criminal than our glorified sacred function of motherhood?

Take motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out about a century ago that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent.