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I had three children while doing a show as demanding as 'Good Morning America ' so this is - you know it's almost like I'm less daunted about motherhood and parenting at this point in time. And I think I'm just much more fit and healthy than I was 20-years-ago.

Search For mysteries In Quotes 12

Beyond that I seem to be compelled to write science fiction rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature both fiction and nonfiction.

The origin of life is one of the great outstanding mysteries of science.

The precise point at which a tax deduction becomes a 'loophole' or a tax incentive becomes a 'subsidy for special interests' is one of the great mysteries of politics.

Even if you only want to write science fiction you should also read mysteries poetry mainstream literature history biography philosophy and science.

Poetry involves the mysteries of the irrational perceived through rational words.

When we remember we are all mad the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the many mysteries of our bodies such as the basic mechanism of memory or imagination.

There are two great forces God's force of good and the devil's force of evil and I believe Satan is alive and he is working and he is working harder than ever and we have many mysteries that we don't understand.

The road to freedom lies not through mysteries or occult performances but through the intelligent use of natural forces and laws.

The mysteries of faith are degraded if they are made into an object of affirmation and negation when in reality they should be an object of contemplation.

The great work must inevitably be obscure except to the very few to those who like the author himself are initiated into the mysteries. Communication then is secondary: it is perpetuation which is important. For this only one good reader is necessary.

I read murder mysteries. I exercise 40 minutes a day. I watch videotapes while I exercise. I listen to audiotapes when I am in my car. And I try to stay in three different centuries.