Search For oddly In Quotes 8

There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I'm not in that state now and that makes me sad.

Oddly I do have a problem with authority. I find it very difficult to knuckle down and follow rules. Which are the classic symptoms of someone who has a troubled relationship with their father. And yet I never had a problem with my father.

I don't think American poetry has gotten any better in the past 35 years. Oddly enough creative writing programs seem to have been good for fiction and I would not have predicted that.

Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important others not and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.

Actually oddly enough I think my work the activism will be forgotten. And I hope it will. Because I hope those problems will have gone away.

I have a three-year-old and a four-year-old at home and my mornings are about just dealing with the fact of that. I oddly enjoy it.

It's very difficult to break into motion pictures but it's oddly easier for directors today because of independent films and cable who have inherited for the most part those films of substance that the studios are reluctant to finance.

Los Angeles was an impression of failure of disappointment of despair and of oddly makeshift lives. This is California? I thought.