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I also think if you're an actor and you can improvise when you go on an audition and you can improvise you're just a genius. If you can you know take a Tide commercial and you can just say one funny line that's not in the commercial they think you're a genius.

Search For paradise In Quotes 18

Scientific truth is marvelous but moral truth is divine and whoever breathes its air and walks by its light has found the lost paradise.

We save paradise by an intense education program where you get people that you can trust to talk sanely about the environment and hope that the message will get through.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic I would say Bangkok Thailand.

It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic which is religion.

I'm not really one for fancy big words and poetry and the scriptwriters worked very hard on 'Paradise Lost' to translate it.

Love is a portion of the soul itself and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.

Love can consign us to hell or to paradise but it always takes us somewhere.

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

To Adam Paradise was home. To the good among his descendants home is paradise.

If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others we could have a paradise in a few years.

When government disappears it's not as if paradise will take its place. When governments are gone other interests will take their place.

For those who aspire to live in a high cost high tax big government place our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist big government paradise you long for.

He who builds a masjid in the way of Allah God will build a house for him in the paradise.

Our notion of the perfect society embraces the family as its center and ornament and this paradise is not secure until children appear to animate and complete the picture.

The first pages of memory are like the old family Bible. The first leaves are wholly faded and somewhat soiled with handling. But when we turn further and come to the chapters where Adam and Eve were banished from Paradise then all begins to grow clear and legible.

Your library is your paradise.

Graphic design is the paradise of individuality eccentricity heresy abnormality hobbies and humors.