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Anyone who's lost someone to cancer will say this that you have to struggle to try to remember the person before the diagnosis happened because they really do change - as anyone would change.

Search For pasta In Quotes 18

I eat as much as the next girl but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is moderation. I splurge on the weekend. A big bowl of pasta and a delicious slice of cake for dessert are my favorites.

My sisters like cooking at my place. It has a bit more room and the food tastes a little bit better. A big pot of spaghetti and sauce some warm French bread - works all the time. I think I've been eating pasta for 26 years.

I love England especially the food. There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.

Everyone prefers some foods over others but some adults take this tendency to an extreme. These people tend to prefer the kinds of bland food they may have enjoyed as children - such as plain or buttered pasta macaroni and cheese cheese pizza French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches - and to restrict their eating to just a few dishes.

When I do a 30-minute meal for instance on Food Network that's my food you see at the end of the show and it's not perfect. And if sometimes things break or drop or the pasta hits the wall when I'm draining it they never stop tape. They just kind of let me go with it.

I only like food without color like potatoes bread and pasta.

As long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world I'm okay.

Food was always a big part of my life. My grandfather was one of 14 kids and his parents had a pasta factory so as a kid he and his siblings would sell pasta door to door. After he became a movie producer he opened up De Laurentiis Food Stores - one in Los Angeles and one in New York.

I do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good.

Why does anybody want to be famous? You know what's important to me? Having lunch! Pasta! Seeing my friends! Is that so crazy?

I eat a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything. Everything in moderation. I know that's really hard for people to understand but I grew up in an Italian family where we didn't overdo anything. We ate pasta yes but not a lot of it.

My grandfather's family used to own a pasta factory in Naples and they would go door-to-door selling their pasta. So his love of food came from his parents which was then passed down to my mother and then again to me.

I don't diet I don't do fads I've just decided to not eat carbs. So no more bread and pasta for the month. I can't live without chocolate though. I've always got a bar in my handbag. It has to be 72%. Any less and it's too sweet any more and it's inedible. Like I said I'm very particular.

My nutritionist has done a great job in changing my diet after we established I am allergic to things like gluten - I can't eat pizza pasta and bread. I have lost some weight but my movement is sharper and I feel great.

I love my daughter but she had me on couscous and fixed me pastas and made me eat oatmeal every morning and what else turkey burgers turkey bacon and that kind of stuff. So she wants her dad to live a long time and I do too.

When I was a kid for my birthday every year my mother made me pasta bechamel which is rigatoni with a white cream sauce.

I seriously love to cook... My grandmother was an amazing cook. As a kid I used to help her make handmade pasta Cavatelli and Ravioli. It was one of my favorite things to do. I love the idea of making whatever is in the fridge into something.

I've been very competitive by nature from a young age whether it was eating a bowl of pasta faster than somebody else or always wanting to be the first one in line.