Search For perfect In Quotes 395

Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.

Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.

To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.

Very often when you see families it's all perfect and neat and parenting isn't like that. You do have constant negotiations. Things are ever developing and ever changing and you constantly have to evaluate how you deal with your kids.

Nature who for the perfect maintenance of the laws of her general equilibrium has sometimes need of vices and sometimes of virtues inspires now this impulse now that one in accordance with what she requires.

Nature is perfect.

The perfect joys of heaven do not satisfy the cravings of nature.

To be perfectly just is an attribute of the divine nature to be so to the utmost of our abilities is the glory of man.

If you don't know how to die don't worry Nature will tell you what to do on the spot fully and adequately. She will do this job perfectly for you don't bother your head about it.

As regards the individual nature woman is defective and misbegotten for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power.

In nature nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted bent in weird ways and they're still beautiful.

To feel much for others and little for ourselves to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections constitute the perfection of human nature.

It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.

I'm obsessed with the countryside: woods forests fields lakes mountains. I'm really into folk music and folklore. But more so I'm into electronic music. I'm into bands that have both aspects like Boards of Canada is a perfect example. You could listen to that type of music running through a woods. It's kind of what I wanted to achieve.

In a weird kind of way music has afforded me an idealism and perfectionism that I could never attain as me.

We're five people five individuals who came together to create something to make music and to complete each other musically to form a perfect circle.

Music is harmony harmony is perfection perfection is our dream and our dream is heaven.

Music when healthy is the teacher of perfect order and when depraved the teacher of perfect disorder.

I'm not going to have a perfect career. It's better to be Billy Wilder and make lots of movies and have five or six great ones than to make so few movies that when you make a bad one it crushes you.

They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.

When Andrew went with the girls we were talking all morning and he was saying 'It's okay. Just remember we had such a good day. Our wedding was so perfect.' Because we're such a unit together. He made me feel very part of the day on April the 29th.

I like everything perfect. Everything has to be neat. My sister is 5 and she's more messy than I am. I make my bed every morning everything's perfect. My shoes are all arranged. It's sad. I'm a little like Ray a little bit.