Search For persecution In Quotes 17

War will disappear only when men shall take no part whatever in violence and shall be ready to suffer every persecution that their abstention will bring them. It is the only way to abolish war.

The truth is the secular world isn't too enamored with Jesus. And they're not too enamored with someone who is leading people to Jesus. So if you're out there talking about people's sins and you're talking about righteousness you will get pushback. Jesus Himself did. The apostles did. I mean there's persecution all up and down the line.

All religions have periods in their history which are looked back to with retrospective fear and trembling as eras of persecution and each religion has its own book of martyrs.

Cruel persecutions and intolerance are not accidents but grow out of the very essence of religion namely its absolute claims.

Religion which requires persecution to sustain it is of the devil's propagation.

I never saw heard nor read that the clergy were beloved in any nation where Christianity was the religion of the country. Nothing can render them popular but some degree of persecution.

All religion seems to need to prove that it's the only truth. And that's where it turns demonic. Because that's when you get religious wars and persecutions and burning heretics at the stake.

Persecution is not an original feature in any religion but it is always the strongly marked feature of all religions established by law.

In politics as in religion it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.

Knowledge of God's Word is a bulwark against deception temptation accusation even persecution.

Religious tolerance is something we should all practice however there have been more persecution and atrocities committed in the name of religion and religious freedom than anything else.

Jews survived all the defeats expulsions persecutions and pogroms the centuries in which they were regarded as a pariah people even the Holocaust itself because they never gave up the faith that one day they would be free to live as Jews without fear.

The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of the pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces but which all experience refutes.

I can't even explain to you how terrible that feels that I equate dating a woman with punishment shame guilt disappointment reproach reprimand persecution. It's a nightmare.

Government 'help' to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.

You should read history and look at ostracism persecution martyrdom and that kind of thing. They always happen to the best men you know.

It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure and a weakness to be affected with it. All the illustrious persons of antiquity and indeed of every age in the world have passed through this fiery persecution.