Search For pessimistic In Quotes 8

As individuals people are inherently good. I have a somewhat more pessimistic view of people in groups. And I remain extremely concerned when I see what's happening in our country which is in many ways the luckiest place in the world. We don't seem to be excited about making our country a better place for our kids.

A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it.

Under the influence of fear which always leads men to take a pessimistic view of things they magnified their enemies' resources and minimized their own.

It's not the tools that you have faith in - tools are just tools. They work or they don't work. It's people you have faith in or not. Yeah sure I'm still optimistic I mean I get pessimistic sometimes but not for long.

The vast majority of large scale change efforts fail. Which means that the probability that you have actually experienced a failure and your people know that and are pessimistic therefore about trying something again is very high.

It's interesting to feel the pressure of having to be outgoing because I think in general as a human being I'm pessimistic and introverted. But it's cool because it's a whole different side of me and I impress myself. Even at times when I think that there's no possible way that I can be engaging I'll suddenly pull it out and impress myself.

When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.

At my age it is unseemly to be pessimistic.