Search For proceed In Quotes 40

I find in working always the disturbing intrusion of elements not a part of my most interested vision and the inevitable obliteration and replacement of this vision by the work itself as it proceeds.

For the subtlest folly proceeds from the subtlest wisdom.

I shall proceed from the simple to the complex. But in war more than in any other subject we must begin by looking at the nature of the whole for here more than elsewhere the part and the whole must always be thought of together.

He who begins by loving Christianity more than Truth will proceed by loving his sect or church better than Christianity and end in loving himself better than all.

We humans are an extremely important manifestation of the replication bomb because it is through us - through our brains our symbolic culture and our technology - that the explosion may proceed to the next stage and reverberate through deep space.

If a man or woman has something redone it is because he or she can no longer live with that part of their body it is no longer bearable. Either they get help and find the strength to fight or they proceed with the act.

The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.

The further a mathematical theory is developed the more harmoniously and uniformly does its construction proceed and unsuspected relations are disclosed between hitherto separated branches of the science.

Appellant constituted a legitimate class of one and this provides a basis for Congress's decision to proceed with dispatch with respect to his materials.

Good politics starts with empathy proceeds to analysis then sets out values and establishes the vision before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions.

The limitation upon this mode of promoting peace lies in the fact that it consists in an appeal to the civilized side of man while war is the product of forces proceeding from man's original savage nature.

Having contemplated this admirable grove I proceeded towards the shrubberies on the banks of the river and though it was now late in December the aromatic groves appeared in full bloom.

The rain which had continued yesterday and last night ceased this morning. We then proceeded and after passing two small islands about ten miles further stopped for the night at Piper's landing opposite another island.

Upon awakening in the morning I wondered if the proceedings of the night before had been a dream. It was hard to believe that I was the world's heavyweight champion.

Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible.

It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.

Our duty as men and women is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.

All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice crime ambition injustice oppression slavery and war proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

A national legal organization is giving very serious thought to using The Betrayal of America as a legal basis for asking the House Judiciary Committee to institute impeachment proceedings against these five justices.

Every neurosis is a primitive form of legal proceeding in which the accused carries on the prosecution imposes judgment and executes the sentence: all to the end that someone else should not perform the same process.

All our knowledge begins with the senses proceeds then to the understanding and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.

Guantanamo allows us to secure dangerous detainees without the risk of escape while at the same time providing us with valuable intelligence information on how best to proceed in the war against terror and prevent future attacks.

Poetry proceeds from the totality of man sense imagination intellect love desire instinct blood and spirit together.

All through history there have always been movements where business was not just about the accumulation of proceeds but also for the public good.