Search For proletariat In Quotes 7

The most disastrous phenomenon of the current situation is the factor that imperialism is employing for its own ends all the powers of the proletariat all of its institutions and weapons which its fighting vanguard has created for its war of liberation.

In the 18th century James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny and Richard Arkwright pioneered the water-propelled spinning frame which led to the mass production of cotton. This was truly revolutionary. The cotton manufacturers created a whole new class of people - the urban proletariat. The structure of society itself would never be the same.

One of the surest signs of the estimated changes in the consciousness of the American proletariat is to be found in the character of the demands now being put forward by the leadership.

History is the only true teacher the revolution the best school for the proletariat.

The three great problems of this century the degradation of man in the proletariat the subjection of women through hunger the atrophy of the child by darkness.

The failure of the Russian Socialist Republic will be the defeat of the proletariat of the whole world.

Admiration of the proletariat like that of dams power stations and aeroplanes is part of the ideology of the machine age.