Search For publication In Quotes 8

Women's Wear Daily can do more than any other publication to establish a designer.

But the power of science lies in open publication which with the rise of the Internet is no longer constrained by the price of paper.

My fiction is reviewed by the mainstream press by science fiction periodicals romance magazines small press publications and various other journals including some usually devoted to archaeological and other science material.

My early work and publications centered around expanding on the analysis of life insurance in my dissertation and its relationship to investment banking.

In the Pentagon Papers case the government asserted in the Supreme Court that the publication of the material was a threat to national security. It turned out it was not a threat to U.S. security. But even if it had been that doesn't mean that it couldn't be published.

We do recognise the need to move towards the publication of information showing the progress made by pupils from one stage of their education to another.

The institution of a public library containing books on education would be well adapted for the information of teachers many of whom are not able to purchase expensive publications on those subjects.

I could do without 'cool' publications calling me 'mom jazz.' But I laughed all the way to the bank baby.