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I know some of my parents' friends think 'Little Britain' is in incredibly poor taste. But swimming the Channel? You can't really say anything negative about that can you? There's nothing better than making your parents happy. The glee on my father's face that day was amazing.

Search For quality In Quotes 517

To give money to a woman - and here I must speak as a man - is to deny her special quality her irreplaceability and reduce her unique amiability to a commodity. Money takes away her name while transforming her lover into a nameless customer of a market of appetites.

The first requisite of a sound monetary system is that it put the least possible power over the quantity or quality of money in the hands of the politicians.

I care so passionately about improving the quality of life for women and girls not just here in the United States but internationally as well. I am a single mom and I raised a daughter who is now a young adult.

Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.

Americans of all ages deserve quality end-of-life medical care.

Reform of the medical liability system should be considered as part of a comprehensive response to surging medical malpractice premiums that endanger Americans' access to quality medical care.

As a former professional patient advocate I believe prescription drugs are an essential part of high-quality medical treatment and I supported enactment of the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act.

If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in nanotechnology we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering.

The quality of life is more important than life itself.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.

The quality not the longevity of one's life is what is important.

Bad things do happen how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness immobilized by the gravity of my loss or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

To affect the quality of the day that is the highest of arts.

I believe wholeheartedly in marriage. I don't exclusively mean a marriage with a legal contract but any relationship that constitutes a marriage because of the quality of their relationship.

You can't solve a problem as complex as inequality in one legal clause.

I believe that every role that I have done this far has had quality and content. My roles have been very demanding and every role has been a challenge and a learning experience that has helped me mature as an actress.

There is a learning quality in all of our shows.

Quality afterschool programs provide safe engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social emotional physical cultural and academic skills.

It's learning how to negotiate to keep both sides happy - whether it's for a multi-million dollar contract or just which show to watch on TV that determines the quality and enjoyment of our lives.

Organizations endure however in proportion to the breadth of the morality by which they are governed. Thus the endurance of organization depends upon the quality of leadership and that quality derives from the breadth of the morality upon which it rests.

A leader is one who out of madness or goodness volunteers to take upon himself the woe of the people. There are few men so foolish hence the erratic quality of leadership in the world.

Honor bespeaks worth. Confidence begets trust. Service brings satisfaction. Cooperation proves the quality of leadership.

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it no real success is possible no matter whether it is on a section gang a football field in an army or in an office.