Search For quicker In Quotes 13

Trust me I'm going to find out where the money has gone and how it has been spent and see if we can't get it down there quicker to let that rebuilding start.

You can't stop technology or science and it is snowballing quicker than ever. Something's got to come to a head. How? Who knows? But it will.

A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ.

The dumber half of the audience - whether they're male or female and a lot of them are male - for some reason responds very quickly to the feminine voice. How can I put it? They kind of instantly react to the female voice in a positive way quicker than they would the male voice.

Men think highly of those who rise rapidly in the world whereas nothing rises quicker than dust straw and feathers.

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye the story of love is hello goodbye.

It's extremely hard for athletes to accept what's happened to them sometimes. It's hard to be beaten by a small margin and I've spoken with athletes who for years afterward have been tormented by the knowledge that had they done something ever so slightly different they could have been one-ten-thousandth of a second quicker.

'For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge' took a year to record that's why the playing on it might sound somewhat labored. 'Balance ' on the other hand was written and recorded in only four months so the whole process was quicker and more immediate.

As we develop and get quicker with technology in America it's like we're downgrading if you look at the investment in education... that's the thing that worries me.

I'm a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately dreams are our first casualty in life - people seem to give them up quicker than anything for a 'reality.'

My parent's divorce and hard times at school all those things combined to mold me to make me grow up quicker. And it gave me the drive to pursue my dreams that I wouldn't necessarily have had otherwise.

Remember each one of us has the power to change the world. Just start thinking peace and the message will spread quicker than you think.

I'm not gonna ride home in the car. I'll wait for Randy. I think I'll get home quicker.