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Only weeks after Oslo began when nearly all the world and most of Israel was drunk with the idea of peace I argued that a Palestinian society not constrained by democratic norms would be a fear society that would pose a grave threat to Israel.

Search For rewarded In Quotes 20

John Kerry believes in an America where hard work is rewarded.

Well I think any author or musician is anxious to have legitimate sales of their products partly so they're rewarded for their success partly so they can go on and do new things.

Goodness and hard work are rewarded with respect.

In politics merit is rewarded by the possessor being raised like a target to a position to be fired at.

Some quality performances and movies have a chance to be rewarded but it's not like it's a bible.

Music has always been my back door to life. It is important for people to find something that excites them. I like the concept that if you do what excites you you will be rewarded generously whatever form reward takes which is not necessarily money.

I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for truth - and truth rewarded me.

Imitation is being rewarded. They're learning that if you fit right in the mold you get rewarded. Music is no longer a form of expression - it's a means to a lifestyle.

I can't see what's wrong about assuming intelligence in your audience and what's bad news about being rewarded for assuming that.

Republics are created by the virtue public spirit and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people in order to betray them.

There's definitely evidence that capitalism at its most ruthless rewards psychopathic behavior. When you look at the worst corners of the American health insurance industry or the sub-prime banking market it really feels like the more psychopathically someone behaves the more it's rewarded.

I think money is essential to happiness and right now I wouldn't want to be anyone other than Wilbur Smith - I've had a fantastic life rewarded far more heavily than I deserve. Maybe I'd like to be J. K. Rowling but I'll settle for second best.

Unless you choose to do great things with it it makes no difference how much you are rewarded or how much power you have.

In our civilization and under our republican form of government intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office.

In the world at large people are rewarded or punished in ways that are often utterly random. In the garden cause and effect labor and reward are re-coupled. Gardening makes sense in a senseless world. By extension then the more gardens in the world the more justice the more sense is created.

The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction. That great enemy of democratic capitalism economic inequality is real and growing.

Courage is always rewarded.

You want to make sure this particular car is going to please the customer and then you're going to be rewarded with something that is going to please the shareholder.

The person who knows one thing and does it better than anyone else even if it only be the art of raising lentils receives the crown he merits. If he raises all his energy to that end he is a benefactor of mankind and its rewarded as such.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.