Search For roller In Quotes 14

It's been quite a roller coaster ride but I've grown and learned a lot about myself. The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people's lives... for that I give thanks.

Once a new technology rolls over you if you're not part of the steamroller you're part of the road.

I love extreme sports I like snowboarding and motorcross and rollerblading and hockey.

I don't know why but I've always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

It's good to follow the path of personal happiness to some extent. People tend to get upset however when you drive a steamroller down it.

That fatal drollery called a representative government.

I don't think as a creator that I could create an experience that truly feels interactive if you don't have something to hold in your hand if you don't have something like force feedback that you can feel from the controller.

To be honest I'm scared to death of rollercoaster rides.

One of the greatest gifts my father gave me - unintentionally - was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity. We had a bit of a rollercoaster life with some really challenging financial periods. He was always unshaken completely tranquil the same ebullient laughing jovial man.

My mother used to take me to flea markets in my stroller and I would just rummage through the piles. You've got to dig through the overstuffed racks that everyone else just walks by. It's the only way to find the cool stuff.

I don't allow anybody to change me. I still walk outta my house in rollers and I take walks. I do not care what people think.

I remember my wife and I used to get on plane and see everybody else with their babies. They'd be putting strollers and car seats up above and we'd think: Oh please Lord don't make us go through that.

It's a real roller-coaster ride if you're lucky to have longevity in this business - you have to be able to ride those waves.

I was always anti-marriage. I didn't understand monogamy. I couldn't figure out how that could last. And then I met Bryn and I started to understand the beauty of constancy and history and change and going on the roller coaster with someone - of having a partner in life.