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We call that person who has lost his father an orphan and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence.

Search For satire In Quotes 11

When you look at golf films before us they're all - garbage or satire. A lot of sports films tend to vilify the opposition. Where the opposition becomes this big angry monster so big you can't beat him.

On the other side of that coin and far outweighing it is the fact that I've been able to use genre of Fantasy/Horror and express my opinion talk a little about society do a little bit of satire and that's been great man. A lot of people don't have that platform.

You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.

Political satire became obsolete when they awarded Henry Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize.

I like the George Romero films which were really great social satire movies really twisted.

Satire lies about literary men while they live and eulogy lies about them when they die.

I think up until the point when we started in the business which was in the early '70s most of the humor was political. The smart humor was political satire.

It struck me that working digitally with a small crew I could lay out a general plan for Famous and hope for mistakes which would create something more than satire and something less than truthful reality.

Comedy has to be done en clair. You can't blunt the edge of wit or the point of satire with obscurity. Try to imagine a famous witty saying that is not immediately clear.

Satire doesn't effect change.

Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom because you're on the front lines.