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Actually the year anniversary of what you just heard my son Grahame and I are going to be in a play together and I'm acting for the first time in front of an audience that doesn't consist of a high school drama class.

Search For seams In Quotes 5

I use filming as an excuse to take classes. I got my certification in sailing for 'Wedding Crashers ' and now I can handle a 26-foot boat. I played a seamstress once so I took sewing classes. I love dipping into these other lives.

There's something brave and touching about game girls of all ages keeping themselves smart in hard times - one thinks of those wonderful women during World War II drawing stocking seams in eyebrow pencil up the back of legs stained with gravy browning because nylons were so hard to get hold of.

My mom was a seamstress and I wish I'd learned to sew because I'm obsessed with 'Project Runway!'

In these dangerous times where it seems the world is ripping apart at the seams we can all learn how to survive from those who stare death squarely in the face every day and we should reach out to each other and bond as a community rather than hide from the terrors of life at the end of the millennium.

My mom the fabulous Bertie Kinsey is an amazing seamstress. She quilts and sews and is so crafty. We call her the Southern Martha Stewart!