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Even before I knew I was gay I knew I didn't want to have a child. I knew I didn't want to have one. I never want to have to release it from me. Listen I love babies. I love children. And I melt when I'm around them. I also love my freedom and I love that I can sleep at night.

Search For skateboarding In Quotes 5

I grew up skateboarding it was fun. I didn't think about money I didn't know how much professional skateboarders made. I just knew that if I became a professional skateboarder I would achieve a lot and get to travel and do these great things.

Growing up in Huntington Beach you were either a traditional sports athlete a skateboarder or a surfer. I got my first skateboard when I was five and skated off and on over the years did a little BMX racing as a kid and then in my freshman or sophomore year I started getting a little bit more into skateboarding.

The last few years I became a lot more into sports. Growing up the sports I liked were independent sports like skateboarding. I was really into skateboarding and not necessarily team televised sports.

My life path has been a blessing and a great learning experience. Skateboarding is my passion and I don't see that changing. When I'm not skating I love to surf. I'm open to the new experiences and opportunities.

I consider skateboarding an art form a lifestyle and a sport. 'Action sport' would be the least offensive categorization.