Search For sneak In Quotes 16

Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster.

There's immense fun to be had as long as you can sort of sneak it past DC. I have been told on occasion that I need to have more respect for these characters.

I like simple things. I like to sneak in the theatre and watch movies. I'm a movie buff.

My movies just kind of sneak up on you. I don't have to worry too much about what everybody is going to say. Anyway I really don't pay attention to what the world says about my movies. I just care about what my buddies think.

I used to love to go to the movies - I'd see two in a row. A few times I even snuck into the second movie after it started... now that I think about it that's kind of like shoplifting! Needless to say I still love going to the movies but I don't sneak in anymore.

My mom would give me a piece to play but I wouldn't do any theory because when it came time to do it I would sneak back upstairs and watch TV. So I had these kind of nonchalant lessons for years then it just started soaking in.

But if you don't watch me I will try and sneak in some humor. I see humor everywhere in life around me.

I think that when you get dressed in the morning sometimes you're really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flipflops you're saying: 'Hope I don't get chased today.' 'Be nice to people in sneakers.'

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.

Boston is actually the capital of the world. You didn't know that? We breed smart-ass quippy funny people. Not that I'm one of them. I just sorta sneaked in under the radar.

I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing.

No one ever pretended that shopping for anything is a rational experience. If it were would there be Fluffernutter? Laceless sneakers? Porkpie hats? Would the Chia Pet even exist?

The coward sneaks to death the brave live on.

My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.'

It was all that stuff about taking your parents' car when you're 13 sneaking booze into rock shows and ditching school with your friends. I could relate to that as a former teenager rather than as a present parent.

I lived in small town out in the desert and my friend used to steal his mom's car in the middle of the night. He'd drive over to my house I'd sneak out and we'd go out to the desert and just burn things down.